ZS band (USA)20:00 | Piątek, 9 lutego 2018Klub SPATiF
30 zł |
30 zł
Jeden z najważniejszych zespołów nowojorskiej awangardy, ZS wystąpi 9.02 w Klub SPATiF
• The New York Times "Zs is a band; it's also a perpetual itch, an index of unease around the restrictions of genre in New York experimental music"
• Pitchfork "How... could three people so perfectly toe the lines between free-jazz bedlam and near-classical precision, between sound-art abstraction and math-rock accessible, too?"
• The Wall Street Journal "Zs play meticulous, exacting music in which no note sounds accidental or hastily arranged. It's a fact worth keeping in mind as they also seem compelled to scramble everything that 'meticulous' and 'exacting' might mean"
bilety: 30/40/50
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