Going. | Palina | Warszawa - Klub SPATiF

Palina - is a sensitive and ascetic Belarusian smart pop-music project. Palina started her professional career as a musician in 2011. Her musical works quickly attracted the attention of listeners and spread widely on the Internet. Palina’s repertoire mainly consists of her own works, and she performs songs in four languages (Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, and French). During this time, the singer released four studio albums and engaged in active concert performances.

In 2018, Palina became a finalist of the X-factor show in Ukraine. After that her tracks have been used as official soundtracks for the popular TV series and movies. Palina's most popular songs (“Месяц”, “Я бы уплыла в океан”, “Позови меня с собой”) have been listened to more than 50 million times and spread contagious throw instagram and tik-tok trends.

In addition to working as a performer, Palina also successfully acts as a music producer in the fashion industry, collaborating with well-known brands (Vogue Poland, Levi’s, Reserved, Patrizia Pepe, CCC, 4F) to create unique sound design. Her musical compositions are often used in fashion shows, films and commercials. 

Palina creates transparent and pulsating electronic ballads. In her tracks, one can discern a poignant minimalism reminiscent of the xx band, as well as a caressing and gritty vocal that defines the atmosphere of the songs. The expressive visual style of the artist combines theatricality, absurdity, and mysticism.

In Palina's latest album ('Ни берега, ни дна’, 2023), the somber electropop seamlessly transitions into breakbeat, and from there, almost into blues and jazz. This fusion of genres and styles creates a rich sonic landscape. Palina's lyrics serve as a reflection of the pervasive sense of unease that has filled our lives in recent years, resonating with listeners on a deeply emotional level. With her sensitive and introspective approach, Palina invites audiences to explore the depths of their own emotions. Through her music, she captures the essence of our shared humanity, transcending cultural boundaries and connecting souls across the globe.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/repolinare

Telegram Chanel: https://t.me/palinap

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@repolinare

Portfolio on vimeo (commercial): https://vimeo.com/palina 

The latest album 'Ни берега, ни дна’, 2023: https://band.link/nibereganidna

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